PRO 6.2 Notification of new dictations

How a transcriptionist is notified when new dictations arrive in the To Do folder can be configured. A visual signal, acoustic sound (beep) - or both - can alert a transcriptionist when a new dictation is available for transcription.

1Click Settings > General Settings on the menu bar to open the settings menu and select Worklist > Notification from the list on the left side.

2Define the preferred type of notification.

High-priority dictations only: receive notifications for dictations that have a priority value equal to or greater than the threshold defined under General Settings > Worklist > Dictation list.

Visual notification: a dialog box will be displayed when a new dictation arrives.

Sound notification: an audio signal will play when a new dictation arrives.

3Click OK to save the profile and close the dialog box.

PRO 6.3 Use keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts save time because it is not necessary to move your hands from the keyboard to use the mouse.

To create a new shortcut:

1Click on Settings > General Settings on the menu bar to open the settings menu and select Worklist > Shortcuts from the list on the left side. A list with the combinations of keys and actions that have been assigned (and can be assigned) is displayed on the right side.

2Select an action from the list, press the keystroke combination to assign and click Assign.

3To delete a shortcut, select the shortcut from the list and click Remove.


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