Using SmartRate®
The SmartRate feature helps you monitor and maintain your heart rate in the target zone best suited to your specific needs.
When the EFX detects a heart rate, a single bar blinks and indicates your current heart rate zone. All 10 bars may appear during an exercise session.
Important: To use the SmartRate feature, you must choose a program and enter your age during the setup phase of your exercise session.
Table 1 shows the percents used in calculating the heart rate target zones. While your heart rate remains within these zones, the corresponding bar blinks and provides a visual cue.
The calculation used to determine your maximum aerobic heart rate is (220 minus your age). When you multiply it by the percent indicated in Table 1, you can understand the relationship between the blinking bar and your target heart rate.
CAUTION: Your heart rate should never exceed 85% of your maximum aerobic heart rate. If it does, immediately slow down and adjust the ramp incline or resistance to return to your physical recommended target zone.
Table 1. Heart rate target zones and SmartRate Segments
Heart Rate Zone | Segment |
Percent | Blinking | Label |
Above 87 | Tenth | HIGH |
85 to 87 | Ninth | PEAK |
80 to 84 | Eighth | CARDIO |
75 to 79 | Seventh | CARDIO |
70 to 74 | Sixth | CARDIO |
65 to 69 | Fifth | FATBURN |
60 to 64 | Fourth | FATBURN |
55 to 59 | Third | FATBURN |
50 to 54 | Second | WARMUP |
Below 50 | First | WARMUP |
The SmartRate indicator bars do not appear when:
•You press QUICKSTART at the Precor banner.
•You do not to grasp both
Note: Enter your age when prompted, otherwise a default age of 35 years is used for heart rate calculations.
Owner’s Manual: Heart Rate Features | 14 |