IBM Proprinter Emulation
Select | SO |
(or) | ESC SO |
Control code: | SO |
Hexadecimal: | 0E |
Escape Sequence: | ESC | SO |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 0E |
Cancel | DC4 |
Control code: | DC4 |
Hexadecimal: | 14 |
| ESC W n |
Example: The following escape sequence will select
Escape Sequence: | ESC | W | 1 |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 57 | 31 |
| ESC [ @ n1 n2 m1 m2 m3 m4 |
Selects single or
The two bytes n1 and n2 specify how many mode bytes (m1, m2, m3, m4) follow. Theoretically, there may be n1 + (n2 x 256) mode bytes. Actually, n2 must be 0, and n1 may be 0 to 4, but is normally 4.
m1 and m2 must be 0 (NUL). m3 and m4 may be set to the values in the following tables.
m3 | hex | character height and line spacing |
000 no change
101 line feeds unchanged,
202 line feeds unchanged,
1610 single line feeds, character height unchanged
1711 single line feeds,
1812 single line feeds,
3220 double line feeds, character height unchanged
3321 double line feeds,
3422 double line feeds,
m4 | hex | character width |
Example: The following escape sequence will select