IBM Proprinter Emulation
Vertical Tabs
Vertical tab stops are associated with absolute physical positions, not with lines. The tab stops are set relative to the current line spacing, but subsequent changes in line spacing will not affect the physical position of the tab stops.
Vertical Tab | VT |
Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper to the next vertical tab stop. If no vertical tab stops are set, then a line feed is done instead. If “Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed.
Control code: | VT |
Hexadecimal: | 0B |
Set Vertical Tab Stops | ESC B n1 n2 ... nx NUL |
Clears all currently set vertical tab stops, and sets new tab stops at line n1, n2, n3, etc. 1≥n≥255. The tab stops must be presented in ascending order. The NUL character, or any tab stop value less than the preceding one, terminates the sequence. The tab stop settings are based on the current line spacing. Changing the line spacing after the tab stops are set will not affect the position of the tab stops. The first line is line one.
ESC B NUL or ESC R will clear all currently set vertical tab stops, leaving no vertical tab stops set.
Example: The following escape sequence will set vertical tab stops at line 7, 13, and 25. If line spacing is currently 6 lpi, this will result in tab stops one inch, two inches, and four inches from the top of the form.
Escape Sequence: | ESC | B | 7 | 13 | 25 | NUL |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 42 | 07 | 0D | 19 | 00 |
Horizontal and Vertical Tabs
Reset Horizontal and Vertical Tab Stops | ESC R |
Clears all currently set horizontal tab stops, and returns to default horizontal tab stops. Default horizontal tab stops are set at every eighth column, i.e. column 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, etc. Clears all currently set vertical tab stops.
Escape Sequence: | ESC | R |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 52 |
Horizontal Margins
Printing is allowed only within the left and right margins. Exceeding the right margin will cause line wrap, setting the current print position to the left margin and advancing the paper one line.