Fixed Length Format

The scanner offers the option of requiring MSI/Plessey labels to have one or two fixed length(s) in the Fixed Label Format. Follow the steps below to set the MSI/Plessey symbology to fixed length format.

1.Identify the fixed length setting(s) you wish to make. Fixed lengths can be set from 04 to 16 characters.

2.Scan the SET bar code on page 127.


4.Scan the SET FIRST FIXED LENGTH bar code.

5.Set the first fixed label length by scanning the applicable digits on page 128. Return to this page.

If you are setting a label length less than ten, you

must scan a zero digit first and then the length

digit (e.g., 04, 06, 08).


If you need to set a second fixed length, continue with step six. If you do not need a second fixed length skip to step nine.

6.Scan the SET SECOND FIXED LENGTH bar code.

7.Set the second fixed label length by scanning the applicable digits on page 128.

8.Return to this page and go to step ten.

If you are setting a label length less than ten, you

must scan a zero digit first and then the length

digit (e.g., 04, 06, 08).


9.Scan the NO SECOND FIXED LENGTH bar code.

10.Scan the END bar code on page 127.


PowerScan™ Scanner