Log. Power
This is the received signal strength of the strongest access point at each location. Use
this view to gauge the quality of your network coverage. A value of –70 dB or higher
is sufcient. (Remember that, since the values in dB are negative, a higher value is one
that is closer to zero.)
Log. SNR
This view shows the signal-to-noise ratio at each location, which reflects the effects of
co-channel interference. A value of 10 dB or higher is good.
Data Rate
The data rate view shows the estimated attaina ble data rate at each location. This is
a very useful prediction of how the projected network will actually perform. The display
shows values between 1 and 54 Mbit/s. Higher data rates are better.
Interference is a major concern in wireless network planning. Interference is caused
mainly by co-channel overlap with other access points. Reduce interference by select-
ing different channels for adjacent access points, or by reducing the output power of
certain access points. This will reduce the size of the cell. How much interference you
want to accept depends on your specific needs for redundancy and for throughput.
Redundancy (full version only)
Access point redundancy is important in areas that require continuous network avail-
ability even when local failures or system overloads occur. The RF3D WifiPlanner provides
various views to help you plan access point redundancy. Each view simulates a certain
scenario in which you can ensure that critical areas have adequate backup cover-
Log. Power Reliability Level 1
This view displays the signal strength received from the second strongest access point at
each location, assuming that the strongest access point is no longer working.
Log. Power Reliability Level 2
This view displays the signal strength received from the third strongest access point at
each location, assuming that the strongest access point is no longer working.
Log. SNR Reliability Level 1
This view displays the signal-to-noise ratio at each location assuming that the strongest
access point is no longer working.
Log. SNR Reliability Level 2
This view displays the signal-to-noise ratio at each location assuming that the two strong-
est access points are no longer working.
F. The color scale indicates what numeric values correspond to the colors in the main dis-
play. You can modify the range and the number of gradations in the input fields below
the color scale. This is practical when you would like to display finer distinctions in the