SCSI Commands
5-74 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
MODE SELECT (6) / (10) Command (15h) / (55h) (continued)
Table 5–40 Error Recovery Page - Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
PS Parameters Savable. For MODE SELECT, this bit must be 0.
Additional Page
This field indicates the number bytes in the page. However, the value does
not include bytes 0 and 1. The length is returned in MODE SENSE
commands and must subsequently be set to the same value when
performing MODE SELECT. If the page length does not match that expected
by the drive, a CHECK CONDITION status is returned, sense key set to
The drive returns a CHECK CONDITION status with sense key set to ILLEGAL
REQUEST if it receives an unsupported Page Code or a Page field with values
not supported or changeable. In such cases, no parameters are changed as
a result of the command.
TB Transfer Block. Not supported.
EER Enable Early Recovery. Set to 1 (always enabled).
PER Post Error. Default is 0. When set to 1, this bit enables reporting of Check
Condition for recovered READ / WRITE errors.
DTE Disable Transfer on Error. Must be 0. Not supported.
DCR Disable ECC Correction. Must be 0. Not supported.
Read Retry Count This field reports the maximum number or rereads that are attempted
before declaring an unrecoverable error.
Write Retry Count This field reports the maximum number of overwrite retries that will be
attempted before declaring an unrecoverable error.