With few exceptions, such as the VHF Aircraft and Ma- rine bands, almost every other VHF or UHF radio system uses some form of coded squelch. By far, PL is the most popular mode among
AM Mode
This sets the scanner to receive transmissions using am- plitude modulation (AM). AM is used for aircraft, military, some amateur radio, and some government transmis- sions. When the scanner receives a transmission on a channel set to the AM mode, it always stops on the trans- mission.
FM Mode
This sets the scanner to receive transmissions using fre- quency modulation (FM). FM is used for most public safe- ty transmissions, as well as broadcast, business, and amateur radio transmissions. When the scanner receives a transmission on a channel set to the FM mode, it al- ways stops on the transmission.
PL Mode
This sets the scanner to decode subaudible tones that are transmitted with many FM transmissions. Radio sys- tem users use these tones to allow multiple users to share a single frequency and to prevent interference from other systems operating nearby on the same frequency. When you select the PL mode for a channel, you can also set a specific PL tone for that channel.