Good references for active frequencies are the Ra- dioShack Police Call, Aeronautical Frequency Directory, and Maritime Frequency Directory. We update these di- rectories every year, so be sure to get a current copy. Also see the supplied Police Call Trunking Guide.
Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.
1.Press MANUAL, enter the channel number where you want to store a frequency, then press MANUAL again. M and the channel number appears at the upper left corner on the display (for example: M100).
Bank (1)
Channel (00)
2.Press PGM. M changes to P on the display.
3.Use the number keys and • to enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to store.
If you make a mistake, hold down CL for about 0.5 seconds to delete a single digit and about 1.5 sec- onds to delete all digits.
4.Press ENTER to store the frequency into the channel. The blinking cursor disappears.
•If you made a mistake in Step 3, Invalid Freq briefly appears and the scanner beeps when you press ENTER. Start again from Step 3.