To set TV programming limits:
1.From the main menu, select Profiles.
2.Select the user name you would like to set limits for through the Profiles menu.
3.Select TV Setup from the next menu.
4.Select Set TV Rating.
Selecting TV Rating allows you to set a limit for TV programs based on rating and content.
Once you get to the Set TV Rating screen, use the arrows and OK buttons on your remote control to change the status of a TV program rating from View to Block. The following sections give you more details about how to change the status of TV program limits.
Below is an example of where items are located within the Rating Limit screen.
Remember you are only blocking TV programs and movies for the one profile you select in the Profiles menu. If you would like to block different programs for different users, be sure to complete the process for each of them.
You must remember to lock the system for both TV and DIRECTV rating limits to take effect.
Lists the available ratings you can block or view with the rating status buttons.
Rating Status Buttons
Lets you know whether the status of the
Content Themes
Lists the content themes you can block or view with the content status buttons.
Content Status Buttons
Lets you know which content themes are available for that rating, and whether the status of the content theme is View (V) or Block (B).