The RP
Built in
progr ams to 62K , or about 500K tota l.
High speed multimode counter accepts quadrature or single inputs. Program mable for up/dow n, binary,
LCD charac ter and gr aphic display a nd keypad p orts for operator interface.
Two R
Watchdog timer resets card if a program "crashes" .
34 digital I/O lines, 9 of which are high curre nt outputs. 24 of these lines c an connec t to an opto rack or o ther TT L devices.
Eight channel, 12 bit resolution analog to digital converter . Configurable operational amplifiers allow you to signal condition inputs or measure temperature.
32K, 128K, or 512K RAM battery backable to save process variables and other data when power is off.
32K or 512K flash EPRO M to save program s and data.
Program development can take place on your PC, using your word processor, or on the RPC - 320 . Programs
from your PC are downloaded using a serial communication program .
This m anual pro vides all the infor mation r equired to install, c onfigure , an d opera te the RP
Interface the RPC
Understand the operation of the RPC - 320 hardware using
This manual assumes you are fam iliar with some type of BASIC progr amming software. The syntax used by
Each chapter or section is written to first provide an overview. Then, m ore specific information is provided. Each chapter has some examples using Basic. A summar y of related hardware com mands is at the end of most chapters.
Information appearing on your screen is shown in a different type.
Copyright Intel (1985) and Remote Processing Bytes free: 27434