The watchdog timer is used to reset the RPC
The watchdog should not be used in loops which do not end quickly or ar e of indetermina te duration unless a WDOG command is included. An example of an indeterminate loop is one that waits for a port condition to change.
The timer is set by executing a WDOG n command. n is 0, 1, or 2. 0 turns off the timer. 1 sets the watch dog time to 380 ms while 2 sets it to 2.8 seconds. Executing WDO G by itself resets the timer. WD OG must be executed pe riodically to p revent a reset.
When the watchdog times out, a softwar e reset is
perfor med. The effe ct is lines at J3 do not ch ange as in a
The card is reset externally by mom entarily shorting W10[1- 2]. R eset is also achiev ed by shor ting