Many control systems use process variables that are operator entered. "variables" in this context include numbers, strings, ar rays, recipes, or formulas as applied to your application. They are not a part of the variables used by Basic . Process variables are accessed by PEEK and POK E type statements.
The upp er 512 by tes of mem ory ar e set aside for this purpose in a 32K RAM system. In 128K and 512K RAM systems, all of the first 64K of RAM is used for program and variable stora ge. P rocess var iables in these larger versions are stored starting at segment 1 and higher .
When the combined program and data size exceed 30K, a 128K or 512K RA M is nec essary. Additional R AM is necessary when your pr ogram has large ar rays and / or string storage r equireme nts.
MTOP should not be used when variables are battery backed for power off conditions. Basic clears all of RAM in segment 0 (except for the last 512 bytes in a 32K system) at power up. Store process variables starting at segment 1 or higher in a 128K or 512K RAM system or start at address 7E00H, segment 0 in a 32K RAM system .
Program s and
PEEK and PO KE commands store and retrieve values from memor y. For example:
20 POKEB1,12,A
puts the 8 bit value of A into segment 1, addr ess 12.
Use the PEEK statement to retrieve the variable:
50 B = PEEKB(1,12)
Accessing reser ved mem ory in a 32 K RAM system is accomplished as follow s:
Figure 5-2 RPBASIC-52 memory map
120B = PEEKB(0,7E05H)
The highest address in a 32K RAM system is 7FFFH .
Many times it is desirable to store an array containing a "mixed" set of variables. Suppose you needed to save an array m ade up of the following elem ents:
Bytes | Type | Description |
1 | Byte | Job counter |
2 | Word | Analog output offset |
6 | Floating | Corr ection factor |
20 | String | Job name |
Total number of byes required for each array is 30 (add 1 for a < CR> at the end of the string).
The Job c ounter is inc rem ented ever y time it is completed. A nalog output offset is an output constant or other var iable used to initialize the outputs. Job name is used with the display to identify a job.
For this example, suppose there are 20 of these arrays that need to be set up. A program fragment is as follows:
100 | STRING 400,20 | Initialize 20 string arrays | |
300 | NO = | 12 | Elem ent to fill |
310 | CF = | 23.432 | Corr ection factor |
320 JC = | JC + 1 | Job counter | |
330 | AC = | 25 | Analog offset |
350 | GOSUB 1000 |
| |
500 NO = | 5 | Element to retrieve |