1 Features
1.2.1 Software Breaks Function
Software Break breaks the target program before execution of the command at the specified address.
This break point is called software breakpoint.
The software breakpoint is set/reset in the Editor (Source) window or in the S/W Breakpoint Setting
window. You can also disable/enable a software breakpoint temporarily.
You can specify up to 64 software breakpoints. When specifying two or more software breakpoints, the
breakpoint combination is based on the OR logic. (Arrival to any one of breakpoints breaks the target
program.) Setting of software breakpoint
The software breakpoint can be set by the following windows.
• Editor (Source) Window
• S/W Break Point Setting Window
You can double-click the mouse to set/reset the software breakpoint in the Editor (Source) window.
You can also switch to temporarily disable/enable the software breakpoint in the S/W Breakpoint
Setting window. Area where software breakpoint can be set
The area which can be set for software breakpoint varies depending on the product.
For the areas available for software breakpoint, see the following:
"12.1.2 Area where software breakpoint can be set"