11. Display the Cause of the Program Stoppage
If the program is stoped by the debug function, the cause of the stoppage is displayed in the Output
window or Status window ([Platform] sheet).
The contents of a display and the meaning of "the cause of the stoppage" are as follows.
Disp y The cause of the stoppage
Halt The stop by the [Halt Program] button/menu
S/W break Software break
Address match interrupt break Address interrupt break
H/W event, Combination Hardware break, logical combination AND or AND(same
time)condition was met
H/W event, Combination, Ax Hardware break, logical combination OR condition was
(Ax: The event number of which condition was met.)
H/W event, State transition, from xx Hardware break, State Transition condition was met
(from xx: previous state (start, state1, state2))
H/W event, State transition, Timeout Hardware break, State Transition, Time Out condition was
H/W event, Access protect error Protect break
To be able to show the cause of break or not depends on the connected target. Some targets may
always show "Halt" or show "---".