This window has the following popup menus that can be brought up by right-clicking in the window.
Menu Function
RAM Monitor Area... Set RAM monitor base address.
Sampling Period... Set RAM monitor sampling period.
Clear Clear access attribute.
Up Moves display position to the immediately preceding RAM
monitor area (smaller address)
Down Moves display position to the immediately following RAM
monitor area (larger address)
Address... Display from specified address.
Scroll Area... Specify scroll range.
1byte Display in 1Byte unit.
2bytes Display in 2Byte unit.
4bytes Display in 4Byte unit.
Data Length
8bytes Display in 8Byte unit.
Hex Display in Hexadecimal.
Dec Display in Decimal.
Single Dec Display in Signed Decimal.
Oct Display in Octdecimal.
Bin Display in Binary.
ASCII Display as ASCII character.
SJIS Display as SJIS character.
JIS Display as JIS character.
UNICODE Display as UNICODE character.
EUC Display as EUC character.
Float Display as Floating-point.
Double Display as Double Floating-point.
Label Switch display or non-display of Label area.
Register Switch display or non-display of Register area.
Code Switch display or non-display of Code area.
Column... Set the number of columns displayed on one line.
Split Split window.
Toolbar display Display toolbar.
Customize toolbar... Open toolbar customize dialog box.
Allow Docking Allow window docking.
Hide Hide window.