8 Table of Script Commands
8. Table of Script Commands
The following script commands are prepared.
The commands with yellow color displaying can be executed at run time.
The command to which "*" adheres behind is not supported according to the product.
8.1 Table of Script Commands (classified by function)
8.1.1 Execution Commands
Command Name Short Name Contents
Go G Program execution with brea points k
GoFree GF Free run program execution
GoProgramBreak* GPB Run target program with software break point
GoBreakAt* GBA Run target program with ftware break point so
Stop - Stops program execution
Stat s u- Checks the operating status of the MCU
Step S Halts for user input until the specified time has elapsed
StepInstruction S IStep execution of instructions
OverStep O Overstep execution of source lines
OverStepInstruaction OI Overstep execution of instruct ns io
Return RET Executes a source line return
ReturnInstruction RETI Executes an instruction return
Rese t- Resets the target MCU
Time - Sets the run time display and checks the current setting
8.1.2 File Operation Commands
Command Name S ort Name hContents
Load L Downloads the target program
LoadHex LH Downloads an Intel HEX-format file
LoadMot* LM Downloads a Motorola S-format file
LoadSymb l oLS Loads source line/ASM symbol information
LoadIeee* L IDownloads IEEE-695 absolute-format files
Reload - Re-downloads the target program
UploadHex UH Outputs data to an Intel HEX-format file
UploadMot* UM Outputs data to a Motorola S-format file