8 Table of Script Commands
The following script commands are prepared.
The commands with yellow color displaying can be executed at run time.
The command to which "*" adheres behind is not supported according to the product.
8.1 Table of Script Commands (classified by function)
8.1.1 Execution Commands
Command Name Short Name Contents
Go G Program execution with brea points k
GoFree GF Free run program execution
GoProgramBreak* GPB Run target program with software break point
GoBreakAt* GBA Run target program with ftware break point so
Stop - Stops program execution
Stat s u- Checks the operating status of the MCU
Step S Halts for user input until the specified time has elapsed
StepInstruction S IStep execution of instructions
OverStep O Overstep execution of source lines
OverStepInstruaction OI Overstep execution of instruct ns io
Return RET Executes a source line return
ReturnInstruction RETI Executes an instruction return
Rese t- Resets the target MCU
Time - Sets the run time display and checks the current setting
8.1.2 File Operation Commands
Command Name S ort Name hContents
Load L Downloads the target program
LoadHex LH Downloads an Intel HEX-format file
LoadMot* LM Downloads a Motorola S-format file
LoadSymb l oLS Loads source line/ASM symbol information
LoadIeee* L IDownloads IEEE-695 absolute-format files
Reload - Re-downloads the target program
UploadHex UH Outputs data to an Intel HEX-format file
UploadMot* UM Outputs data to a Motorola S-format file