You can reference the task execution history in the MR Trace window. You can reference the
execution history statistical processing result in the MR Analyze window. These windows are
available for a target program using our real time OS (MRxx). Select the Trace Range
To measure the task execution history, the real time trace function is used. Click the "After" button
(or, select Menu - [Trace Range] ->[After]) or "Break" button (or, select Menu - [Trace Range] ->
[Break]) in the MR Trace window.
After Stores the cycles of trace data after the trace point.
Break Stores the cycles to the point at which the trace point is passed.
Execute the target program. Record the information required to know the task execution history in
the trace memory.
A trace point set in the Trace Point Setting dialog is disabled. Stop the Task Execution History Measurement
Click the "Stop" button in the Task Trace window. (Or, select Menu - [Trace Stop].) The measurement
results so far are displayed in the MR Trace window. Restart the Task Execution History Measurement
Click the "Restart" button in the Task Trace window. (Or, select Menu - [Trace Restart].) When
restarting the trace measurement, all the measurement results so far are deleted.