8.1.3 Register Operation Commands
Comman Name
dS ort Name hContents
Register R Checks and sets a register value
8.1.4 Memory Operation Commands
Command ame
NShort Name Contents
DumpByte DB Displays the contents of memory (in 1-byte units)
DumpWord* DW Displays the contents of memory (in 2-byte units)
DumpLword* DL Displays the contents of memory (in 4-byte units)
SetMemoryByte MB Checks and changes memory contents (in 1-byte units)
SetMemoryWord* MW Checks and changes memory contents (in 2-byte units)
SetMemoryLword* ML Checks and changes memory contents (in 4-byte units)
FillByte FB Fills a memory block with the specified data (in 1-byte units)
FillWord* FW Fills a memory block with the specified data (in 2-byte units)
FillLword* FL Fills a memory block with the specified data (in 4-byte units)
Move - Moves memory blocks
MoveWord* MOVEW Moves memory blocks(in 2-byte units)
8.1.5 Assemble/Disassemble Commands
S ort Name hContents
Assemble A Line-by-line assembly
DisAsse ble mDA Disassembles memory contents line by line
Modu le MOD Displays modules names
Scope - Sets and checks the effective local symbol scope
Sect n io SEC Checks section information
Bit* - Checks and sets bit symbols
Symbol SYM Checks assembler symbol s
Label - Checks assembler labels
Express EXP Displays an assembler expression
8.1.6 Software Break Setting Commands
Command Name Sh t Name or Contents
SoftwareBreak SB Sets and checks software breaks
SoftwareBreakClear SBC Clears software breaks
SoftwareBreakClearAll SBC AClears all software breaks
SoftwareBreakDisable SBD Disables software breakpoint s
SoftwareBreakDisable ll ASBD ADisables all software breaks
SoftwareBreakEnable SBE Enables software breakpoint s
SoftwareBreakEnableAll SBEA Enables all software breaks
BreakAt - Sets a software breakpoint by specifying a line No.
BreakIn - Sets a software breakpoint by specifying a function