8.1.12 Map Commands
Comm nd Name
aShort Name Contents
Map* - Checks and sets mapping data
8.1.13 Clock Command
Comm nd Name
aShor Name t Contents
Clock CLK Checks and changes the clock
8.1.14 WatchDog Timer Commands
Command Name Short ame N Contents
WatchDogTimer* WDT Sets and checks the usage condition of the watchdog timer
8.1.15 C Language Debugging Commands
Command Name Short Name Contents
Print - Check value of specified C variable expression
Set - Set specified data in specified C variable expression
8.1.16 Real-time OS Command
Command Name Short Name Contents
MR* - Displays status of realtime OS (MRxx)
8.1.17 Utility Commands
Comm nd Name aShort Name Contents
Radix - Sets and checks the radix for numerical input
Alias - Specifies and checks command alias definitions
UnAlias - Cancels the alias defined for a command
UnAlias ll A- Cancels all aliases define for commands d
Version VER Displays the version No.
Date - Displays the date
Ech o- Displays mes ges sa
CD - Window open