8 Table of Script Commands
8.1.7 Hardware Break Setting Commands
Command Name Sho t Name rContents
Hardw k areBrea HB Sets and checks a hardware bre ak
Protect PT Sets and checks protect breaks
BreakMode BM Sets and checks hardware break mode
8.1.8 Real-time Trace Commands
Command Name Sh t Name or Contents
TracePoint TP Sets and checks a trace point s
TraceData* TD Realtime trace data display
TraceList* TL Displays disassembled realtime trace data
8.1.9 Coverage Measurement Commands
Command me
Na Short Name Contents
Coverage CV Specifies and displays coverage measurement
8.1.10 Script/Log File Commands
Comm nd Name
aShort Name Contents
Scrip t- Opens and executes a script file
Exit - Exits the script file
Wait - Waits for an event to occur before command input
Pause - Waits for user input
Sleep - Halts for user input until the specified time has elapsed
Logon - Outputs the screen display to a log file
Logo ff - Stops the output of the screen isplay to a log file d
Exec - Executes external application
8.1.11 Program Display Commands
Command Name Short Name Contents
Func - Checks function names and displays the contents of functions
Up* - Displays the calling function
Down* - Displays a called function
Where* - Displays a function call status
Path - Sets and checks the search path
AddPath - Adds the search path
File - Checks a filename and displays the contents of that file