From left to right, the contents are as follows:
• Address
The status of the address bus
• Data
The status of the data bus
• Sync
This signal is output when fetching an instruction op-code. When an op-code is being fetched, this
signal indicates a logic 1.This Sync value is sometimes displayed as '(1)'.In this case, it denotes a
dummy Sync meaning that the instruction on the line is not actually executed.
• Read
This signal determines the direct ion of the data bus. When data is to be read, this signal
indicates a logic 0.
• Write
This signal determines the direct ion of the data bus. When data is to be written, this signal
indicates a logic 0.
• B-T
Shows the level of the external break trigger (the EXTIN7 pin of the external trace signal input
cable). High level = "1", Low level = "0".
• Q-T
Shows the level of the external trace trigger (the EXTIN6 pin of the external trace signal input
cable). High level = "1", Low level = "0".
• 76543210
Shows the status of the 8-bit external signal (pins EXTIN0 to EXTIN7 of the external trace signal
input cable). High level = "1", Low level = "0".
• h" m' s:
Show the elapsed time from the target program beginning.