7 Windows/Dialogs
7.14.11 Display the Memory Pool Status
In the MR window, select Popup Menu - [Mode] -> [Memory Pool]. Display the Memory Pool Status(When the realtime OS is MRxx conformed to uITRON
specifications V.3.0.)
All the memory pools defined in the configuration are listed in the order of ID number. (The fixed
length data comes first, and the optional length data comes after the fixed length data.) The function
of each item is listed below. (When the realtime OS is MRxx conformed to uITRON specifications
Item Contents
ID ID No. of memory pool
BaseAddr Base address of memory pool
Blk_Size Block size of memory pool
Total Blk_cnt Tot a l block count of memory pool
Free Blk_cnt(map) Number of unused blocks and information on unused memory blocks
(bit information)
The display of the ID field varies depending on which one is specified, fixed length or optional
- If the data is of fixed length, the ID field displays a string "[F]" and memory pool ID number.
- For an arbitrary length, the contents displayed on the first line are the character string "[V]," a
memory pool ID number, and a block ID number. Displayed on the second to fourth lines are
the memory pool ID and block ID numbers. The block ID numbers are enclosed in parentheses.
When specifying the optional length memory pool, "--" is displayed in the Total Mlk_cut field.
No bit information is displayed in the Free Blk_cnt (map) field.
When specifying the fixed-length memory pool, the display format of each bit in the memory block
information in Free Blk_cnt (map) is as shown below:
item Contents
'0' Memory block in use (busy)
'1' Memory block not in use (ready)
'-' No memory block