C/C++ expressions in the data display areas of the C Watch Windows are displayed as their type
name, C/C++ expression (variable name), and result of calculation (value), as shown below.
The following describes the display formats of the respective types.
10.2.1 Enumeration Types
• When the result (value) of calculation has been defined, its name is displayed.
(DATE) date = Sunday(all Radices)_
• If the result (value) of calculation has not been defined, it is displayed as follows:
(DATE) date = 16 (when Radix is in initial state)
(DATE) date = 0x10(when Radix is hex)
(DATE) date = 0000000000010000B(when Radix is binary)
10.2.2 Basic Types
• When the result of calculation is a basic type other than a char type or floating point type, it is
displayed as follows:
(unsigned int) i = 65280(when Radix is in initial state)
(unsigned int) i = 0xFF00(when Radix is hex)
(unsigned int) i = 1111111100000000B(when Radix is binary)
• When the result of calculation is a char type, it is displayed as follows:
(unsigned char) c = 'J'(when Radix is in initial state)
(unsigned char) c = 0x4A(when Radix is hex)
(unsigned char) c = 10100100B(when Radix is binary)
• When the result of calculation is a floating point, it is displayed as follows:
(double) d = 8.207880399131839E-304(when Radix is in initial state)
(double) d = 0x10203045060708(when Radix is hex)
(double) d = 0000000010.....1000B(when Radix is binary)
(..... indicates abbreviation)