12 Attention
• If you specify word-length (2-byte length) data from an odd address as an event in the following
data accesses, the event is not detected. Also, even when any other bit of the address that
contains a specified bit is accessed during bit access, the event may become effective.
- Hardware Break Event
- Real-time Trace Event
- Time Measurement Event
• To detect a byte access to an odd address in 8 bit bus width, specify the compare data to
• You cannot specify a PID data in word-length, when the specified PID address is an odd address.
• Examples to specify the event for data access with its value comparison.
Address Access size 16bit data bus 8bit data bus
Even Address WORD
ex.: mov.w #1234h, 8000h
Address: 8000h
Data: 1234h
Data Mask: Don't care
Even Address BYTE
ex.: mov.b #34h, 8000h
Address: 8000h
Data: 34h
Data Mask: 00FFh
Odd Address WORD
ex.: mov.w #1234h, 8001h
Not supported <-
Odd Address BYTE
ex.: mov.b #34h, 8001h
Address: 8001h
Data: 34h
Data Mask: 00FFh
Address: 8001h
Data: 3400h
Data Mask: FF00h
You need to specify the operating frequency of mcu for debugger to calculate the time for Trace
window, Time measurement window, or other functions.
You can set it in MCU tab of INIT dialog box. If you use the mcu at 10MHz div 8, please enter 10 and
8 to edit boxes.
The task pause function is available when downloading a target program in which the system for the
task pause function, supported by MR30 V.3.00 or later version, is installed.
If the MR30 version is V.3.00 Release 1, the following phenomenon may occur.
• If a program issues a system call such as rel_wai or irel_wai to a task which is changed to
"Pause" using the task pause function, the "Pause" state of the task is reset.
In this case, the MR Task Pause window shows the task information different from the real task
This phenomenon will not occur on a target program in which MR30 V3.10 Release 1 or later is