7 Windows/Dialogs
199 Display the Mailbox Status (When the realtime OS is MRxx conformed to uITRON
specifications V.4.0.)
All the mail boxes defined in the configuration are listed in the order of ID number. The function of
each item is listed below. (When the realtime OS is MRxx conformed to uITRON specifications V.4.0.)
Item Contents
ID ID No. of mailbox
Mbxatr Attribute of each mailbox
Mailbox Queue (Wait) ID No. and task name of tasks waiting for messages
Mailbox Queue (Message) The messages stored in the mailbox
The following are displayed in the Mbxatr area:
TA_TFIFO Task wait queue is in FIFO order
TA_TPRI Task wait queue is in task priority order
TA_MFIFO Message queue is in FIFO order
TA_MPRI Message queue is in message priority order
When a task connected to the mail box queue is in the state of waiting with timeout enabled
(waiting in trcv_mbx), a string "[tmo]", which indicates the state of timeout enabled, is appended
to a string displayed in the Mailbox Queue (Wait) field.
When a task connected to the mail box queue is in the state of forced waiting (Double waiting), a
string "[s]", which indicates the state of double waiting, is appended to a string displayed in the
Mailbox Queue (Wait) field.
Normal Display 26(_task26)
Display when in WAIT-SUSPEND 26(_task26)[s]
Display when in WAIT-SUSPEND with time out
Up to 8 characters can be displayed in the task name in the Mailbox Queue (Wait) field. If a task
name exceeds 8 characters, the extra characters are omitted.