Path - Sets and checks the search path
Pause - Waits for user input
Print - Check value of specified C variable expression.
Protec tPT Sets and checks protect breaks
Radix - Sets and checks the radix for numerical input
Register R Checks and sets a register value
Reloa d- Re-downloads the target program
Reset - Resets the target MCU
Return RET Executes a source line return
ReturnInstruction RETI Executes an instruction return
Scope - Sets and checks the effective local symbol scope
Script - Opens and executes a script file
Sec ion tSEC Checks section information
Set - Set specified data in specified C variable expression
SetMemoryByte MB Checks and changes memory contents (in 1-byte units)
SetMemoryLword *ML Checks and changes memory contents (in 4-byte units)
SetMemoryWord* MW Checks and changes memory contents (in 2-byte units)
Sleep - Halts for user input until the specified time has elapsed
SoftwareBreak SB Sets and checks software breaks
SoftwareBreakClear SBC Clears software breaks
SoftwareBreakClearAl lSBC AClears software breaks
SoftwareBreakDisable SBD Disables software breakpoint s
SoftwareBreakDisable ll ASBD ADisables all software breaks
SoftwareBreakEnable SBE Enables software breakpoints
SoftwareBreakEnableAll SBEA Enables all software breaks
Stat s u- Checks the operating status of the MCU
Step S Step execution of source line
StepInstruction SI Step execution of instructions
Stop - Stops program execution
Symbol SYM Checks assembler symbols
Time - Sets the run time display and checks the current setting
TraceData *TD Realtime trace data display
TraceList* TL Displays disassembled realtime trace data
TracePoint TP Sets and checks a trace points
UnAlias - Cancels the alias defined for a command
UnAliasAll - Cancels all aliases defined fo commands r
Up* - Displays the calling function
UploadHex UH Outputs data to an Intel HEX-format file
UploadMot* UM Outputs data to a Motoro S-format file la
Version VER Displays the version No.
Wait - Waits for an event to occur before command input
WatchDogTimer* WDT Sets and checks the usage con ition of the watchdog timer d
Where* - Displays a function call status