User Tools (Copier / Document Server Features)

Settings You Can Change with User Tools

General Features P.1/5

Auto Paper Select Priority

Auto Paper Select is the default setting. You can cancel this setting. See p.34 “Selecting Copy Paper”.


Default: On

Paper Display


You can choose to have the availa-


ble paper trays and sizes shown on

the initial display.



Default: Display

If you select [Hide], the display is shown as below. Press [Auto Pa- per Select] to display paper sizes.

Original Type Display

If you select [Hide], the display is as below.

Original Type Priority

You can select the original type ef- fective when the power is turned on, or modes cleared. See p.33 “Se- lecting the Original Type”.


Default: Full Colour/Two-Col-

our: Text / Photo, B&W/Single

Colour: Text / Photo

Original Photo Type Priority

When you select “Text / Photo” or “Photo” in “Original Type Priori- ty”, you can change the settings of the selected original type.


Default: Text / Photo: Printed

Photo, Photo: Printed Photo

You can have the original types shown on the initial display.


Default: Display

Auto Tray Switching

If you load paper of the same size in two or more trays, the machine automatically shifts to the other when the first tray runs out of pa- per (when Auto Paper Select is se- lected.) This function is called “Auto Tray Switching”. This set- ting specifies whether to use Auto Tray Switching or not.


Default: With Image Rotation