User Tools (Copier / Document Server Features)



Metric version:

Reduce 1: 25%

Reduce 2: 50%

Reduce 3: 65%

Reduce 4: 71%

Reduce 5: 75%

Reduce 6: 82%

Inch version:

Reduce 1: 25%

Reduce 2: 50%

Reduce 3: 65%


• Reduce 4: 73%


Reduce 5: 78%

Reduce 6: 85%

When selecting [User Redc.Ra- tio], enter a ratio using the number keys (in the range of 25 to 99%).

Priority Setting: Reduce

You can set the ratio with priority when [Reduce / Enlarge] is pressed, followed by [Reduce].



Metric version: 71%

Inch version: 73%

Ratio for Create Margin

You can set a Reduce/Enlarge ra- tio when registering Create Mar- gin in a shortcut key.


Default: 93%

R/E Priority

Specifies which tab has priority on the display panel when [Reduce / Enlarge] is pressed.


Default: Reduce

Edit P.1/3


Enter the width of the binding margin using the number keys, as follows:

Metric version: 0–30 mm (1 mm increments)

Inch version: 0"–1.2" (0.1 in in- crements)

Enter the width of the erased mar- gin using the number keys as fol- lows:

Metric version: 2–99 mm (1 mm increments)

Inch version: 0.1"–3.9" (0.1 in in- crements)

Front Margin: Left/Right

You can specify left and right mar- gins on the front side of copies us- i ng the Ma rgin Adjus tment function.



Metric version: Left 5 mm

Inch version: Left 0.2"

Back Margin: Left/Right

You can specify left and right mar- gins on the back side of copies us- i ng the Ma rgin Adjus tment function.



Metric version: Right 5 mm

Inch version: Right 0.2"