Placing Originals

Placing Originals


Place originals only when all cor- rection fluid and ink has complete- ly dried . Not taking thi s precaution could dirty the expo- sure glass, thus resulting in blem- ished copies.


For original sizes you can set, see p.9 “Originals”.

Original Orientation

This function is useful for copying torn originals or large originals.

You can set the original orientation in the following ways.

Standard orientation

Select this function when original orientation is the same as copy pa- per orientation.

90° turn

Use this to copy A3K, B4 JISKor 11" ⋅ 17"K size originals. The ma-

chine rotates the copy image by 90°. This is useful for copying large originals using the Staple, Duplex, Combine, or Stamp functions.

For example, to copy A3Kor 11" ⋅

17"K originals with the Staple 1 function selected:



It is recommended that you use the Original Orientation function with the Auto Paper Select or Preset Re- duce/Enlarge function.

A Press [Special Original].