This manual describes detailed instructions on the operation and notes about the use of this machine. To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators are requested to read this manual carefully and follow the instructions. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information before using this machine. It contains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
The model names of the machines do not appear in the following pages. Check the type of your ma- chine before reading this manual.
•LG drum: Not Available
•B4 drum: 6123cp
Certain types might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the metric version.
For good print quality, the supplier recommends that you use genuine masters and ink from the suppli- er.
The supplier shall not be responsible for any damage or expense that might result from the use of parts other than genuine parts from the supplier with your office products.
Power Source
220 – 240V, 50/60Hz, 1.3A or more
Please be sure to connect the power cord to a power source as above. For details about power source, see p.67 “Power Connection”.
For safety, please read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference.