File Transfer

Delivery Failure File

If a received fax document cannot be sent to the ScanRouter delivery soft- ware, it is stored in memory. To print a stored file, select [Print File], to de- lete, select [Delete File].

If the machine can send the data to the ScanRouter delivery software, it does so automatically. If you delete the data, you will not be able to distrib- ute or print it.

• Print File



Delete File

SMTP Server

If DNS is in use, enter the host name.

If DNS is not in use, enter the SMTP server IP address. The default setting for “Port No.” is 25.

Enter the [Server Name] using up to 127 alphanumeric characters. Spaces can- not be used.

Enter [Port No.] between 1 and 65535 using the number keys, and then press the {#} key.

SMTP Authentication

You can configure SMTP authentication (PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAMMD5, DI- GEST-MD5).

When sending e-mail to an SMTP server, you can enhance the SMTP server security level by authentication that requires entering the user name and password.

If the SMTP server requires authentication, set [SMTP Authentication] to [On], and then specify [User Name], [E-mail Address], [Password], and [Encryption]. Enter the user name and password to be set for the Administrator's e-mail ad- dress when using Internet Fax.

The default setting is Off.

SMTP Authentication

Enter [User Name] using up to 191 alphanumeric characters. Spaces can- not be used. Depending on the SMTP server type, “realm” must be spec- ified. Add “@” after the user name, as in “user name@realm”.

Enter [E-mail Address] using up to 128 alphanumeric characters. Spaces cannot be used.

Enter [Password] using up to 128 alphanumeric characters. Spaces can- not be used.

Select Encryption as follows:


If the authentication method is PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, or DI- GEST-MD5.


If the authentication method is CRAMMD5 or DIGEST-MD5.


If the authentication method is PLAIN, or LOGIN.