Factory reset
If you wish to completely reset your radio to its initial state this may be performed by following this procedure. By performing a factory reset, all user entered settings will be erased.
1. Access the menu for the current mode by pressing and holding the | 1 |
Menu button. Press the Menu Up or Down buttons to highlight the 'Main menu' option, then press the Select button to select.
2.PresstheMenuUporDownbuttonsuntil'Systemsettings'ishighlighted and then press the Select button.
3.Press the Menu Up or Down buttons until 'Factory Reset' is highlighted and then press the Select button. Press the Menu Up or Down buttons and to highlight 'YES' to proceed.
If you do not wish to carry out a system reset, highlight 'NO' and |
then press the Select button. The display will revert to the previous |
menu. |
4.With 'YES' highlighted, press the Select button. A full reset will be performed and the radio will restart as if fi rst plugged in. The DAB stations list together with any preset stations will be erased and your wireless network connection details will be lost. All confi guration settings will be restored to their defaults, the clock and alarms will be reset.
In case of malfunction for any reason, reset the product as described above to resume normal operation. It may be necessary in some cases to disconnect the mains power, then reconnect power after 10 seconds.
In case of malfunction due to electrical fast transient (burst), reset the product as above (reconnection of the power source may be required) to resume normal operation.