Introduction OSD PHOTO MUSIC MO VIE OFFICE Removing Pro gram | Troubleshooting |
Monitor Preview Window OSD Window
: T his window is u sed either to preview a file (a m ovie o r photo file) registered in the library list ( ) and selected in the fields win dow (
), or to mon itor a m onitor.
1. Playing a file registered in the library
Click on a classification in th e lib rary list ( ), and the files und er the selected classification are displayed in the
fields win dow ( | ). Th en , do | ||
displayed in | . On ly au dio, movie, an d image files can be played. Fo r office files, only file in formation is disp layed | ||
in | . However, if m onitorin g for a mon itor is proceedin g, the inform ation b eing monitored is displayed instead. | ||
2. | Monit oring t he selected m onitor (Preview) | ||
When a m onitor is selected in | (the selected mon itor name is displayed in field ), th e screen of the selected |
monitor curren tly playing, is d isplayed in th e Monitor Preview window . Audio, m ovie and image files can be p layed but file information is on ly d isplayed for office files.