Introduction OSD PHOTO MUSIC MO VIE OFFICE Removing Pro gram | Troubleshooting |
Specifications |
Registering/Editing the Schedule OSD Window
:Allows yo u to register the files you wish to play in the m onitor later.
Schedule File A dd/Remove
Allo ws yo u to add/remove files to/from th e schedule.
Background Music Add/Remove
Available only when u sing image files.
Selects an au dio file to use as backgro und m usic when playing an image file reg istered with the sched ule.
Selecting Monitor
Selects all monito rs or a specific monitor to be added to the sch edule from among the monito rs connected to the network.
Start Time
Start time to p lay the schedu le in units of year/mon th/day/hour/minute.
The start time should be within 30 days of the cu rrent day.
Running Time
The time period for playing the sch edule, in u nits of year/month/day/hour/minute.