Samsung NP-Q45AV02/SEB manual AVStation Viewer Optional, Start / Exit AVStation Viewer, 122

Models: NP-Q45AVB1/SEK NP-Q45AV02/SEB

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AVStation Viewer (Optional)

This is a multimedia program that can play music, photos, video, movies, etc. in full screen.

Before You Start!

The AVStation Viewer program is optional and may not be provided depending on the computer model.

AVStation Viewer Restrictions

Using AVStation Viewer, you can only play files registered to the AVStation premium Library.

The screen figures may differ from actual ones depending on the program version.

TV Station is only available for systems supporting the TV function.

Start / Exit AVStation Viewer

To start AVStation Viewer

Select Start > All Programs > Samsung > AVStation premium > AVStation Viewer from Windows.

Press the AV () button when the computer is on or off to launch AVStation Viewer.

To exit from AVStation Viewer

Move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen and click the Exit () button.


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Samsung NP-Q45AV02/SEB manual AVStation Viewer Optional, Start / Exit AVStation Viewer, 122, To start AVStation Viewer