3. Specify a value referring to the following table, and press [Enter].No
No Item
Item Description
0 Signal Type
Selects the signal type for trunk interface.
0. Immediate
1. Wink
2. Delay
1 Insert End Of Digit
Input ‘#’ to terminate dialing when SMG-3200 is
making a dialing through trunk line to PABX or
• Off: does not input ‘#’
• On: inputs ‘#’
Sets the way of synchronization of the clock of
Physical layer when E1 or T1 is used.
• Master: SMG-3200 provides a clock and PABX
and KTS synchronize with this clock. (It operates
in ISDN Network Mode when PRI trunk is used.)
• Slave: PABX or KTS provides a clock and
SMG-3000 synchronizes with this clock.
3 T1 Line Coding
Sets the encoding mode during T1 Signal mode to
prevent the signal from wandering which occurs
when you get the time information from the
transmitted signal.
• AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion): 0 (Space) and
1 (Mark) are bipolar marks. 0 changes into 0
level, and 1 changes into level of +1 and –1.
• B8ZS (Bipolar Eight Zero Substitution): When
eight zeros are being sent continuously in SX-
1and DS-1signal, 000+-0-+ substitutes for the
signal level of + and 000-+0+- substitutes for the
signal level of –.