3. Specify a value referring to the following table, and press [Enter].
No Item
Item Description
0 Signal Type
Selects the signal type for trunk interface.
0. Immediate
1. Wink
2. Delay
1 Insert End Of Digit
Input ‘#’ to terminate dialing when SMG-3200 is
making a dialing through trunk line to PABX or
Off: does not input ‘#’
On: inputs ‘#’
Sets the way of synchronization of the clock of
Physical layer when E1 or T1 is used.
Master: SMG-3200 provides a clock and PABX
and KTS synchronize with this clock. (It operates
in ISDN Network Mode when PRI trunk is used.)
Slave: PABX or KTS provides a clock and
SMG-3000 synchronizes with this clock.
3 T1 Line Coding
Sets the encoding mode during T1 Signal mode to
prevent the signal from wandering which occurs
when you get the time information from the
transmitted signal.
AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion): 0 (Space) and
1 (Mark) are bipolar marks. 0 changes into 0
level, and 1 changes into level of +1 and –1.
B8ZS (Bipolar Eight Zero Substitution): When
eight zeros are being sent continuously in SX-
1and DS-1signal, 000+-0-+ substitutes for the
signal level of + and 000-+0+- substitutes for the
signal level of –.