2-10 Chapter 2
System Boards
LED Color
Color Description
LD1 LED blinks when VoIP software is in normal operation.
LD2 LED is on when it is connected with gatekeeper.
LD3 LED is on when major alarm occurs.
LD4 LED is on when minor alarm occurs.
LD5 Reserved.
LD6 Reserved.
LD7 LED blinks during VoIP channel service.
LED is on when the entire VoIP channel is in use.
Daughter Board Installation SlotsDaughter board installation slot is dedicated to the installation of a VOIP_Sub board, the daughter
board of a VOIP board. The VOIP board has 3 d aught er bo a rd insta lla tio n slots. Therefore, up to 3
VOIP_Sub boards can be installed on the VOIP board.
Daughter Board of VoIP BoardThe daughter board of the VOIP board that can be i nstalled is calle d the VOIP_Sub bo ard. This
section describes the features of the VOIP_Sub board.
VOIP_Sub Board
The VOIP_Sub board is daughter board for VoIP channel extension, and provides 8 Internet
telephone channels. A maximum of 24 additional Internet telephone channels can be installed on
the VOIP board.