4-6 Chapter 4
Configuring the System
Configuring the Operating EnvironmentTo operate the SMG-3200, only the fundamental information configuration is required, and the
detailed operation environment configuration is configured automatically by using default values.
The following 3 configurations are necessary for the operation of the SMG-3200. Other than these
configurations, additional operation environment configurations are not normally used.
TCP/IP Configuration : IP address, subnet mask, default gateway
System Operation Mode : Gateway operation mode, PCM type
VoIP Configuration : VoIP table/gatekeeper configuration
This section describes how to configure the operating environment after turning on and logging in
the SMG-3200.
Messages displayed in the console terminal emulator in this section may differ
according to the version of system software, and might be different from the
actual messages you can see on the console terminal.
During operation environment configuration, pressing [Enter] without inp ut
value in conversational mode is the same as configuration with the default
value at the current step.
Configuring the TCP/IP
To use the TCP/IP protocol for Internet connection, you must configure network information such
as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
SMG-3200 provides the following two methods for TCP/IP configuration.
❶Automatic Configuration
Configures TCP/IP information automatic ally using a DHCP (Dynamic H ost Configuration
Protocol) server.