Chapter 4 Configuring the System
This chapter describes procedures for the configuration of the SMG-3200 operating environment
with console terminal as well as the login procedure in console terminal.

Setting up the Terminal

Terminal setup methods differ according to terminal types and operating system. In this manual,
we will using an example of how to use the hyper terminal on a PC running with a Windows 98
operation system.

Terminal Features

The user can connect an ASCII terminal such as a VT100 or VT220 or a PC installed with a
terminal emulation program.
y Emulation VT100/ANSI Compatible
y Bits per second 38400
y Data bit 8
y Parity None
y Stop bit 1
y Flow control Xon/Xoff
Setting up the Terminal
To set up a terminal, follow these steps.
1. Turn on the PC and boot with Windows98.
2. Click [Start] at the bottom and select Programs and select Program Î Accessories Î
Communication Î HyperTerminal.
3. When the <HyperTerminal> window appears, double-click the Hypertrm icon.
4. When the <Connection Description> window appears, type the name of a hyper terminal in the
Name box and select an icon displayed in the Icon box. Then, click [OK].