5-20 Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
[2] PCM Method
Function PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is the most frequently used analog-to-digital
encoding (A/D conversion technique to convert analog voice into digital signal).
SMG-3200 provides 2 PCM types, which are A-law and μ-law. In this menu,
PCM type can be changed.
The PCM coding method of the PBX or KTS connected to the
SMG-3200 system must be set the same.
Procedure 1. In the <PSTN Configuration Menu> screen, t ype ‘2’, and press [Enter].
2. To change the PCM coding method, type ‘0’, and press [Enter].
Configuration Item Number:
3. To change the PCM coding method to U_LAW or A_LAW, type ‘0’ or ‘1’
respectively, and press [Enter].
PCM Type (0:U_LAW, 1:A_LAW): A_LAW ->