[0] DHCP Client SettingFunction You can set the SMG-3200 as a DHCP client. By doing so, the DHCP server
automatically allocates an IP address for the SMG-3200. After the setup, you must
restart the system to implement the change.
DHCP Client Set OFF
Value Class ID (none)
Procedure 1. In the <System Configuration Menu> screen, type ‘0’, and press [Enter].
- :Null, . :Exit ]
2. To set the SMG-3200 as a DHCP client, select 0 in Configuration Item
Number, press [Enter], and type ‘y’.
Set DHCP Client? (y: ON, n: OFF): ON ->
3. When Class ID is needed, select 1 in Configuration Item Number, press [Enter],
and type ‘y’. Enter Class ID if it is necessary in DHCP server.
4. A message asking whether to restart the system will be displayed. To restart
immediately, type ‘y’ or type ‘n’ otherwise and press [Enter].
# System Configuration has changed. Restart? (y: Now, n: Later) ->