Universal BoardsThe Universal board may be installed in the US1 and US2 slots of the SMG-3200 system
depending on the user’s need. There are two types of Universal boards, trunk board and subscriber
board, which provide different services.
The following table shows the summary of each type of Universal board.
Card Type
Card TypeCard Type
Card Type Board Name
Board NameBoard Name
Board Name
Trunk Board Analog Board LOOP
Subscriber Board Analog Board E&M
In the following sections, detailed information about features, functions, front panel, and jumper
settings for each type of Universal board will be presented.
LOOP Board
The LOOP (Loop Start Trunk) board provides the local extension trunk interface, and can be
installed in the universal slot (US1, US2) of a system. The LOOP board for the SMG-3200 system
comes in a LOOP board with 8 ports. It provides a connection to a private branch exchange (PBX),
or the local telephone office.
The features and functions of the LOOP board are as follows.
yIt provides the signal detection function.
yImpedance matching circuits are built in.
yIt reads the status such as the HOS and Ring Detection, Tone Detection, and Polarity
Reverse Signal etc.
yIt converts the analog signal into a digital signal with the PCM method to send them to the
control module. It also converts the digital signal with the PCM method into an analog
yIt protects the SMG-3200 system from lightening or high voltages, AC voltage crossing etc.