5-72 Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
CDRudpport ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,portCDRudpport ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,portCDRudpport ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,portCDRudpport ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,port Function Set the UDP IP address and UDP port for the UDP Link that will display the CDR
output information.
Procedure In the SMG-3200 prompt, type 'CDRudpport' and a space, and type the UDP IP
address and port for displaying the CDR information, and then press [Enter].
Separate the parameters from one another by means of a comma (,).
For example, if you want to set the IP address as, and the port as
8800 for the UDP Link for displaying the CDR information, type 'CDRudpport
165,213,87,85,8800' on the screen, and press [Enter].
SMG3200:> CDRudpport 165,213,87,85,8800
>>>[CDR] Set CDR Output on UDP IP =
udp IP address is set as
>>>[CDR] Set CDR Output on UDP Port(8800)
udp port is set as 8800.
Goodvalue = 0 = 0x0