2-8 Chapter 2
System Boards
VOIP BoardThe VOIP board performs conversion of the voice data of PSTN into packet data that can be
transmitted over IP networks. In other words, it provides H.323 V3-complient VoIP Gateway
functions to enable voice communication over the Internet. The VOIP board of the SMG-3200
system comes in a VOIP board with 8 Internet telephone channels.
On the VOIP board with 8 Internet telephone channels, up to 3 VOIP_Sub boards can be installed,
and each VOIP_Sub board provides 8 Internet telephone channels. As a result, besides the 8
Internet telephone channels of the VOIP board, a maximum of 24 additional Internet telephone
channels can be installed on a board.
The features and functions of the VOIP board are as follows.
yG.729A, G.723.1, G.711 audio codec support
yInternet FAX support
yCaller ID detection and generation function
yFAX/data auto-detection
yG.165 compliance, 16ms echo canceler
yDTMF detection and generation function
y u-Law/A-Law support
yInput/Output Gain Control
yVAD/CNG support