Configuring the VoIPThis section describes the procedures for the SMG-3200 VoIP configuration. The SMG-3200 VoIP
configuration procedure is determined by the Gatekeeper service that translates terminal aliases
such as telephone number in E.164 format, e-mail address, and H.323 ID into an IP address.
❶When not using Gatekeeper
You have to create the VoIP table. To create the VoIP table, consult with the network
administrator for required information.
❷When using Gatekeeper
Register the information of Gatekeeper. The following information is required for registration.
yIP address and Alias (host name) of Gatekeeper
yH.323 ID and E.164 ID of the SMG-3200 to be registered in Gatekeeper
Option ❶
❶ When not using Gatekeeper
Create the VoIP table according to the following directions.
1. At the SMG-3200 prompt, type ‘voipmenu’ and press [Enter].
SMG3200:> voipmenu
2. <VoIP Configuration Menu> screen is displayed. Type ‘5’ and press [Enter].
<<<<< VoIP Configuration Menu >>>>>
[0] VoIP General Option
[1] VoIP DSP Option
[2] VoIP Gatekeeper Option
[3] VoIP Routing Table
[4] VoIP Caller ID Table
[5] VoIP Remote IP Table
[6] VoIP Remote IP Status
[7] Save & Exit
[8] Exit
Select ? 5