5-70 Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
CDRsetlistCDRsetlistCDRsetlistCDRsetlist Function It displays the current setting of the options related to the CDR of the system.
You can use other CDR CLI commands to change the setting.
Default TCP Link Off
TCP Port 8200
UDP Link Off
UDP Port Unknown
UDP IP Address Unknown
Procedure you want to see the setting of the CDR-related options, type 'CDRsetlist' at the
SMG-3200 prompt, and press [Enter].
SMG3200:> CDRsetlist
>>>[CDR] Turn On CDR Output on TCP Link
tcp link is turned On.
>>>[CDR] TCP Port: 8200 tcp port is set as 8200.
>>>[CDR] Turn Off CDR Output on UDP Link
udp link is turned Off.
>>>[CDR] UDP Port: Unknown
>>>[CDR] UDP IP Address = Unknown
value = 37 = 0x25 = '%'