yTo use the TYPE II-Standard signaling,
Close pin A and O.

E1/PRI, T1 Board

There are S1 and S2 switches and JP1~JP5 jumpers on the E1/PRI, T1 board. All of these switches
and jumpers are to select the kind of station line to be connected to the E1/PRI, T1 board. Prior to
the installation of the E1/PRI, T1 board onto the MGCB board, set switches and jumpers
according to following directions.
yTo connect T1
Close pin #1-2 of all jumpers.
Set S1 switch to ON, and set S2 switch to OFF.
yTo connect E1
Close pin #2-3 of all jumpers.
Set both S1 and S2 switches to ON.
yTo connect E1 type PRI
Close pin #2-3 of all jumpers.
Set S1 switch to OFF, and set S2 switch to ON.
Installing Daughter Boards
Daughter board is installed according to user’s need and system construction.
The following boards require daughter boa r d installation prior to board installation.
MGCB Board
VOIP Board
Other boards can be installed in a slot without installation of a daughter board.
This section provides daughter board installation procedures for each type of board.