5-6 Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
[1] Network Configuration
Function Users can set the network configuration such as IP address for the SMG-3200,
default gateway address and subnet mask. After setup, you mu st re star t t he s yste m
to implement the change.
Procedure 1. In the <System Configuration Menu> screen, type ‘1’, and press [Enter].
2. To change the network information, type ‘y’, a nd press [Enter].
Change Network Configuration? (y: Yes, n: No) ->
3. Input a new IP address for the SMG-3200 and press [Enter].
IP Address (dot form): ->
4. Input an IP address for the default gateway and press [Enter].
Gateway Address (dot form): ->
5. Input a subnet mask and press [Enter].
Netmask(dot form): ->