Media Play


• Select the Playlist to which you want


to add the tracks or files and then


press vbutton.


• Select Create New, and then press


the vbutton. On the keyboard

Add to Playlist

pop-up that appears, create a name

for the new playlist. Enter numbers


using the numbers on the remote.


Enter letters by using the ▲▼◄►


buttons to move the cursor, and


then pressing the vbutton.


When finished, move to DONE at


the bottom of the screen, and then


press the vbutton.

Depending on the screen you are

Delete (Playlist) viewing, select Delete to erase a file from erasable media (such as a USB device) or to delete a playlist.

Select Edit Playlist to remove files or tracks from an existing playlist. The storage device containing the playlist must be inserted into or attached to the player.


1. Use the ▲▼◄► buttons to



select a file, and then press the

Edit Playlist



Repeat for each track or file you



want to remove.




\\ You can also move to Select All on



the right, and then press the v



button to select all tracks or files.


3. Select Remove on the right side,



and then press the vbutton.


After you have sorted by Artist, Genre,


Album,Title, Latest Date, Earliest Date,

Play Current

or Monthly, select a group that is the

result of the sort (for example, all


pictures taken in August), and then


select Play Current Group to play or


view the files in that group only.

Go to Playlist

Select to go to the Playlist section of

the Main AllShare screen.


Encoding - which changes by language


or by geographical area - modifies


how the player sorts, arranges, and

presents files or tracks, displays dates,


etc. Select Encoding to change the


encoding to match your language or


geographical area.


Displays media file and content



\\ Depending on the storage device, the Tools menu may differ. All options may not be displayed.

46 English